Splendid Betta BettaFix Remedy 1.7 oz
Splendid Betta BettaFix Remedy 1.7 oz
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The Bettafix Remedy uses the natural healing power of melaleuca, a variety of tea trees to repair damaged fins and promote fin regeneration. The remedy should be used whenever bettas show signs of bacterial infection and can be used to heal and repair open wounds as well as ulcers, mouth fungus, and fin or tail rot. To use, insert six drops per pint, 12 drops per quart, or teaspoon per gallon. This dose should be repeated daily for up to a week. One 1.25 ounce bottle treats 15 US gallons. The remedy is to be used for tropical fish only. Active ingredients include melaleuca (0.2 percent). Inactive ingredients account for 99.8 percent of the remedy.
Size: 1.25 oz
Size: 1.25 oz